My favorite Easters were spent at Indiana State Prison.
It was the late Father Dave Link who took me behind the razor wire, where I met, talked with, and worshiped beside the men who live there.

Some of these men have become dear friends of mine, and I am grateful for their friendship. This is my friend Dave Parrish, who brought his copy of Sharing the Wisdom of Time to Mass so that I could sign it.

In 2019, photographer Paul Audia joined Father Dave and I at Indiana State Prison, where Paul selflessly devoted his talent and craft to capturing Easter Sunday Mass in prison, with all its poignancy, power, pathos, and joy. The photos you see here are Paul’s.
I owe the most heartfelt thanks to Paul for having shot what might be my very favorite picture ever taken of me. The one where my friend Dano and I are sharing the hug of peace:

Today, as on every Easter Sunday, I am there in spirit.